About the Business
You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. I fell in love with photography in university where I learned to be creative on film cameras. The thrill of taking your own photos and developing the precious film to printing them in a darkroom is something that has stuck with me and even though I've moved on to digital, the thrill is still the same.
I live with my gorgeous fiance Tony and my adorable puppy Flo and the newest member of the family, little Mollie cat. We spend our free time travelling to new locations and taking photos of landscapes. It's not unusual for us to disappear for the day to travel around Donegal with a flask of tea and homemade sandwiches! I'm lucky that I'm able to combine my love of photography with my love of meeting awesome couples.
Location & Hours

101A Strand Road