About the Business
Yep - this is me! I'm Matt Brooks and I am a creative wedding photographer and international spy based in London and the south east of England. Well, maybe just the photographer part is true. It all started back in my teens when I got my first job as a 'Saturday Boy' at Gifford Boyd Photographers in Hastings. Until that point I'd only played with compact cameras, borrowing my Auntie's Canon Sureshot something-or-other for a trip to Australia (lucky boy). Well, I shot off 19 films of 36+ shots each in just over 3 weeks - and I quickly realised I loved it, although my Auntie wasn't so sure as before I left she'd offered to get what I shot developed. Working there was great - I was like the proverbial boy in a sweet shop. As soon as I was in the door, I always offered to tidy the stock room. It was always left for me anyway - but I loved it in there.
Location & Hours

57 Victoria Avenue